NEXA is a research center of the Politecnico di Torino - Italy (Dept. of Control and Computer Engineering). The NEXA Center for Internet & Society is born from the activities of an initially informal interdisciplinary group – with expertise in technology, law and economics – that grew up in Torino from 2003 and that has conceived, designed and implemented a number of initiatives: Creative Commons Italia (2003-present), CyberLaw Torino (2004), Harvard Internet Law Program Torino (2005), SeLiLi, free legal advice on open licenses for creators and programmers (2006-present), COMMUNIA, the European Commission-funded thematic network of 50 partners aimed at studying the digital public domain (2007-2011) and LAPSI, the European thematic network on legal aspects of public sector information (2010-2012).

CSI-Piemonte (Consortium for Information Systems) was founded 1977 with the aim of promoting the modernization of local administrations by using the most advanced information and IT-based tools to create information services and systems. CSI is a public consortium grouping a large number of Public Administrations and it is organized along "private" lines, that focus on the development and operation of Information & Communication Technology projects for the public sector. CSI designs and develops ICT services to improve Piemonte’s Public Administration, providing simple and efficient services for citizens and businesses.

CELI is an Italian company specialized in the realization of software solutions that allow the automatic processing of texts in electronic format. CELI's products and solutions emphasize language understanding and implement the latest results achieved in the world of research. Its structural and linguistic analysis technologies enable the expansion of companies knowledge base with the acquisition of new information. CELI participates in various research projects, in cooperation with European-level centers of excellence, universities and innovative companies.